Orthodontic treatments had a reputation for causing discomfort for many years. However, technological advances have reduced discomfort, gagging, and other issues previously associated with orthodontic solutions.

Our team at Steele Creek Orthodontics embraces these advances to provide cutting-edge treatments for our patients in Charlotte, North Carolina. Explore our dental technology and find out more about how it can benefit you by calling us at (704) 246-5750.

We Make Impressions with the iTero® Element™ System

We’re proud of our dental technology here at Steele Creek Orthodontics. We use the state of the art iTero® Element™ system to scan your jaw and teeth. This system allows us to gather information about your dental care needs with a hand-held wand.

This wand emits waves that provide us with topographical images of your oral tissue and teeth. We use this data to help us design your braces, Invisalign aligners, or other orthodontic appliances. The Element system offers numerous benefits over the old system, which used putty to make casts of your teeth.

Less Mess

Putty molds often left patients dealing with unwanted mess and goop in their mouths. We help you avoid this discomfort by using the latest dental technology.

Faster Results

Creating molds with older technology takes a lot of time. The Element system provides near-immediate information about your jaw and teeth, allowing us to start treatment planning right away.

Clearer Images

Precision matters when it comes to your oral health. Our dental technology, including the Element system, provides us with clear and precise information about your teeth. The Element creates 3D images of:

  • Structures in your mouth
  • Your bite relationship
  • Soft tissues
  • Your teeth

Find out more about the benefits of this system and digital x-rays by reaching out to us for assistance.

Speed Up the Alignment of Your Teeth with AcceleDent® Aura

Our team uses a wide range of dental technology to help you get the smile you want. We utilize the AcceleDent Aura system to speed up the movement of your teeth. AcceleDent Aura technology does not work on its own; instead, it supplements the progress from other orthodontic treatments.

AcceleDent Aura offers several patient benefits. For one thing, it may increase the movement of your teeth by 50%, drastically reducing the amount of time you require for orthodontic care.

AcceleDent Aura technology requires you to wear a comfortable and lightweight appliance over your teeth. You use this appliance for about 20 minutes every day. During this time, the AcceleDent Aura generates micro pulsing vibrations to move your teeth.

Speed Up Orthodontic Procedures with Propel

Our team also offers Propel as a service to our patients. Propel helps reduce the amount of time that you require orthodontic care.

Propel devices allow us to create micro-osteoperforations in your jaw, specifically in the bones that surround your teeth. These perforations cause a natural response from your body, and this reaction facilitates the breakdown and adjustment of the bones in your jaw.

While this may sound extreme, professionals consider the Propel device safe to use. Dentists utilize it around the country, and most patients only experience minimal discomfort when they go through a Propel treatment.

The treatment drastically reduces the amount of time you need to wear braces or aligners. Contact us to find out if Propel is the right choice for you.

Speak with Us About Diode Laser Treatment

Diode laser treatments do not directly impact your teeth or jaw. Instead, they allow us to make changes to the gum tissue that surrounds your teeth. In some cases, removing a portion of this gum tissue supports your oral health.

Our dental technology allows us to remove gum tissue with lasers. This process often helps us correctly place brackets if you need braces or handle impacted teeth. It may also help if you want to adjust your gums for aesthetic reasons.

Let Us Use Technological Advances to Help You

Our dental technology allows us to provide cutting-edge orthodontic care in Charlotte, NC. Start getting professional care today by reaching out to Steele Creek Orthodontics.